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Summary List of Projects: 2003-2023
- Obtained donations of FJ$165 million of essential medicines for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, and Fiji’s 220 hospitals and medical facilities, including overnight shipping from the U.S. (FJ$291k),
- Built community halls for Koroivonu, Nabaci, Makolei, Vakativa and Nukubalavu villages.
- Built kitchen and dining facilities for Nasinu, Vatulele and Korotasere villages.
- Built covered kindergarten veranda (so children can play outside, even if raining) and a teacher’s office for Jerusalemi kindergarten, which we built several years ago.
- Donated holiday hampers to 300 needy families, including food essentials, gardening implements and seeds, fabrics and toys and games for children.
- Provided community support, paying for funerals, surgeries in-country and internationally.
- Held extensive eye clinics in partnership with Pacific Eye Institute, visiting dozens of villages. Performed 80+ cataract surgeries and dispensed 850 pairs of prescription eye glasses and hundreds of sunglasses.
- Refurbished the operating theater at Savusavu Hospital.
- Held four weeks of swim training for children in partnership with Aqua Pros.
- Continued environmental programs: raising giant Tradacna clams from juvenile stage, coral regeneration, mangrove planting, and weekly trash pick-up around Savusavu town.
- Obtained donations of FJ$21.5 million of essential medicines for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, and Fiji’s 220 hospitals and medical facilities, including overnight shipping from the U.S.
- Built, expanded and renovated community halls for Savudrodro, Vatulele, Nacavanadi, Vunikura, Waivunia and Viani villages.
- Built kitchen and dining facilities for Naidi, Vunidawamoli, Waivunia, Nacavanadi, Natuvo, Nagigi and Viani villages.
- Built kindergarten playground for Viani school.
- Donated holiday hampers to 300 needy families, including food essentials, gardening implements and seeds, fabrics and sewing machines, toys and games for children.
- Provided community support, paying for funerals, surgeries in-country and internationally.
- Purchased FJ$4,427 in essential meds for Savusavu Hospital.
- Held a retina eye clinic, health clinic, and dispensed 365 pairs of prescription eye glasses and hundreds of sunglasses.
- Built bridge for Nakoromaca village school.
- Held annual swim training for children.
- Expanded SCF’s environmental programs: raising giant Tradacna clams from juvenile stage, coral regeneration, mangrove planting, trash pick-up and Savusavu town beautification.
- Obtained donations of FJ$7.7 million of essential medicines and supplies for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, plus FJ$20.6 million in meds for the rest of Fiji’s 220 hospitals and medical facilities, including overnight shipping to Fiji.
- Obtained donations and shipped two 40-foot containers of PPE (personal protection equipment) to Fiji to fight Covid, including top grade medical masks, disinfectants, cleaners, goggles and much more (value: FJ$1 million).
- Built two new village community halls (for Kioa Island and Dreketi) and completed the previously only partially built hall for Vatulele.
- Built village kitchen and dining halls, including lovo sheds and verandas for Vuadomo and Vivili.
- Rehabbed community halls (including windows, paint, roofing, expansion, verandas) and repaired and replaced more than 70 cyclone-damaged houses in Nadamole, Naloaloa, Vunivesi, Nabaka, Nacekoro, Nukubalavu, Baitibalavu and many more villages and individual houses outside villages.
- Due to a major earth slide, we dismantled the Qalitu kindergarten and rebuilt it in a secure site closer to the school.
- Built a dedicated library in Nadavaci village, serving three villages.
- Donated holiday hampers to more than 300 needy families, including food essentials, gardening implements and seeds, fabrics, fishing gear, toys and games for children.
- Provided community support, paying for funerals, surgeries in-country and internationally.
- Developed “Swim Savusavu,” partnering with Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, to train swim instructors and to give lessons to children and adults, so that nobody should drown because they don’t know how to swim.
- Provided dozens of high-wind resistant tents for temporary housing after cyclones.
- SCF expanded to the Yasawa Islands by renovating and expanding the community hall for Somosomo village, adding a surrounding veranda, kitchen, toilet/shower area, and village-wide solar water system and five water tanks. For Gunu village, SCF installed three water tanks and donated a 23-foot boat and 60hp motor for village ladies harvesting sea grapes and emergency transport to the mainland.
- Obtained donations of FJ$2 million of essential meds for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, plus FJ$1.5 million in meds for the rest of Fiji’s 220 medical facilities, all including overnight air delivery.
- Built a new village community hall for Naweni and expanded Dromuninuku’s hall.
- Renovated village community halls at Nacekoro and Vunivesi (including major expansions), and added new dining and cooking areas, as well as lovo sheds.
- Built a new kindergarten (ECE) for Qalitu school district.
- Donated holiday hampers to more than 300 needy families, including food essentials, gardening implements and seeds, fabrics, fishing gear, toys and games for children (including more than 20,000 meals).
- Provided 20,000 meals to families quarantined because of the Covid pandemic.
- Obtained donations of FJ$1.6 million of essential meds for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, plus FJ$2.3 million in meds for the rest of Fiji’s 220 medical facilities, all including overnight air delivery. Distributed 4,000 pairs of prescription eye glasses.
- Donated holiday hampers to more than 300 needy families, including food essentials, gardening implements and seeds, fabrics, fishing gear, toys and games for children.
- Built new village community halls for Kilaka and Domokavu, including complete solar energy system.
- Repaired dozens of houses at Waibulu and Nukubalavu, including addition of kitchens/toilet blocks and walkways to select houses with handicapped residents, built a toilet block for Nabaka village.
- Built a kindergarten for Vuniyasawa, including electric system, and installed a playground for Naweni kindergarten. Replaced all flooring for St. Bedes School boys’ and girls’ dorms.
- Installed water system from source in the hills to the villages of Jerusalemi and Nabaci.
- Began new environment initiatives, including weekly trash pick-up on roads, creek sides and beaches, and planting flowers around Savusavu town, painting and cleaning bus stops. Continued initiatives: giant clam breeding, mangrove planting, coral regeneration.
- Obtained donations of FJ$1.1 million of essential meds for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, plus FJ$1.7 million of meds for the rest of Fiji’s 220 medical facilities, all including overnight air delivery. Distributed 5,000 pairs of prescription eye glasses.
- Donated holiday hampers to more than 300 needy families, including food essentials, gardening implements and seeds, fabrics, fishing gear, toys and games for children.
- Built new village community halls for Natokalau and Nabaka.
- Repaired dozens of houses and constructed two new houses for those completely destroyed by cyclones.
- Provided major medical care for dozens of people, including international surgeries for two requiring world-renowned surgeons.
- Coordinated and sponsored treatment for a complex reconstructive hand surgery for a patient in dire need, plus a dozen other surgeries.
- Delivered hundreds of Holiday Hampers to 300 families in 15 villages.
- Replaced all of the windows, louvers, shutters and screening at Savusavu Hospital – all damaged by Cyclone Winston.
- Installed a complete water system at Bagata village.
- Obtained a donation from IKEA of a 40-foot container of flat-pack kitchen cabinets. JMC staff distributed and installed these cabinets in homes and schools.
- Obtained donations of FJ$386,000 of meds and hospital supplies for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals and FJ$435,000 in meds for the rest of Fiji’s 220 medical facilities.
- Held medical clinics: dermatology, chiropractic, orthopedic, and distributed 2,000 pairs of prescription, reading and sun glasses.
- Environment: provided clam cages to protect young juveniles from natural predators; assisting in reef protection, coral rejuvenation and mangrove planting.
- Rebuilt village community halls, built two new ones and two bridges.
- In response to Tropical Cyclone Winston
- Obtained donations of 28 pallets of emergency meds and supplies worth FJ$662,706 and delivered them to Fiji’s National Disaster Management Office within three days after the cyclone hit. These meds were distributed to the hardest hit hospitals and communities. Also provided FJ$.2 in addition meds for cyclone readiness supply.
- Obtained and sent within one week after TC Winston 150 large, windproof tents for use as temporary housing at devastated villages and 16 oversized windproof tents to be used as temp medical facilities, and personal protection equipment and clothing for use in the clean-up (FJ$1.8 million)
- Coordinated two world-class emergency medical teams to provide support throughout Fiji during the weeks immediately after TC Winston.
- Rebuilt 24 houses and built 5 new houses and repaired community halls in villages nearby Savusavu.
- Built cyclone-proof community halls for Nabaka and Nacekoro villages, and repaired the hall at Nukubalavu village.
- Obtained a donation of four pallets of cyclonic roofing screws to distribute to people rebuilding their homes (250,000 screws valued at FJ$250,000+)
- Obtained donations and set-up a tool library for people to use when rebuilding their homes and community facilities.
- Rebuilt the bridge at Nakoromaca village, which had been destroyed by Cyclone Winston.
- Obtained donations of FJ2.6 million in pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and equipment for Savusavu, Labasa and Nabouwalu hospitals, as well as for Fiji Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Services (FPBS)
- Built Pharmacy Bulk Storage Facility and Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Facility for Savusavu Hospital Replaced bathroom and living room tiling in doctor’s house at hospital. In process of replacing all wooden window structures at Savusavu Hospital with louvered windows, screening to prevent mosquitoes and storm window shutters.
- Held medical clinics including Orthopedic, Chiropractic, Prosthetic Eye, and Dermatology and dispensed three thousand of pairs of prescription and reading eye glasses.
- Purchased and donated pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to Savusavu, Labasa and Nabouwalu hospitals.
- School support – donations for supplies/equipment to four kindergartens, brush cutters for three schools. Donated 60 laptop computers and provided internet connections and wi-fi to five schools.
- Community support: paid for several funerals; distributed 300 Christmas hampers to need families, including food items, pots & pans, machetes, wheelbarrows, seeds and seedlings, water collection barrels, sporting equipment and toys for children.
- Obtained donations of FJ$1.1 million in pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and equipment for Savusavu, Labasa, Nabouwalu and Ba hospitals, with an additional donation of over FJ$3.3 million in meds for Fiji Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Services (FPBS), and FJ$201,769 in oncology meds for Colonial War Memorial.
- Provided a donation of FJ$.2 million in cyclone relief meds and supplies to the National Health Emergency & Disaster Management Office of the Ministry of Health & Medical Services.
- Built new toilet block for St. Bedes College – for boarding students.
- Built a new kindergarten at Batibalavu village.
- Held medical clinics, including chiropractic, dermatology and optometric. Continue to maintain a “bank” of more than 10,000 prescription, reading and sun glasses, so no Fijian on Vanua Levu need go without proper glasses. Eye clinic in March resulted in provision of 500 pairs of prescription eye glasses to patients.
- Repeated our 2014 partnership with Vodafone to donate 60 laptop computers to four schools, including internet and Wi-Fi.
- Community support – continuing to pay patient medical and transportation expenses, surgery expenses, donations to schools and villages, distributing water filtration devices, paid toward three funerals; distributed Christmas hampers to 300 families, including food, cooking utensils, sporting equipment and toys for children.
- Provided funding for coral reef regeneration program and giant clam revival projects – protecting juveniles from predators.
- Obtained and will continue to obtain high-cost cancer and other specialty meds requested by FPBS for specific patients (FJ$200,000 in donations)
- Obtained donations of FJ$3.5 million in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and supplies for Savusavu, Labasa, Nabouwalu and Ba hospitals, plus shipping.
- Obtained donations of more than FJ$10.4 million of pharmaceuticals for Fiji Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Services (FPBS), plus shipping.
- Purchased FJ$40,000 in pharmaceuticals for Savusavu, Labasa and Nabouwalu hospitals that were not otherwise available.
- Purchased and donated laptop computers, copiers, patient chairs and other medical equipment for Savusavu and Nabouwalu hospitals.
- Held dermatology, orthopedic, women’s health, pulmonary, and eye clinics (with Pacific Eye Institute), all at no cost to patients. For example, the eye clinics included 92 cataract surgeries and the distribution of 550 pairs of prescription eye glasses. Purchased intraocular lenses, meds and equipment in support of eye clinics.
- Paid dozens of patients’ medical expenses.
- Built Jerusalemi village kindergarten facilities; donated books and teaching materials to schools; paid teachers’ tuitions at USP for advanced education.
- Built St. Andrews’ school toilet/shower block, including labor and supplies.
- Donated 20 water filters to villages throughout Vanua Levu.
- Sponsored sports teams/leagues, e.g., equipment, uniforms.
- Donated to local charities and schools.
- Donated 300 Christmas hampers to needy villages (e.g., food supplies, cooking pots and pans, fruit trees, gardening supplies, wheelbarrows, seeds and equipment, sporting equipment for children).
- Paid for electric line installation to village.
- Paid off portion of land-lease obligation for Nasavusavu public school.
- Partnered with Vodafone to provide 40 laptop computers to four schools, including internet and Wi-Fi.
- Paid for plans/coordination to rebuild bridge for Nukubalavu village and assisted in coordination for rebuilding other bridges.
- Donated brush cutters to Nasavusavu Public School and Vatirilagi School.
- Obtained donations of FJ$3.7 million in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies for Savusavu, Labasa and Bua Hospitals, and remote nursing stations.
- Obtained donations of more than FJ$4.5 million of pharmaceuticals directly to Fiji’s Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Services distribution system, including shipping.
- Purchased FJ$30,000 in prescription meds for Savusavu Hospital.
- Distributed 10,000 toothbrushes and fluorided the teeth of 1,000 children.
- Held dermatology, orthopedic, women’s health, dermatology and pulmonary clinics
- Obtained major donation of soccer shoes, balls and uniforms for local youth organizations.
- Donated to the building funds of several villages and schools, paid patient medical and transport expenses.
- Supported young women’s “Leadership Empowerment” program.
- Donated 300 Christmas hampers to needy villages of Cakaudrove province (e.g., food supplies, fruit trees, gardening supplies, seeds and equipment, sporting equipment for children).
- Donated two laptop computers to local hospitals.
- Obtained FJ$2.5 million in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies for Savusavu, Labasa and Bua Hospitals, and remote nursing stations.
- Obtained and shipped overnight donations of FJ$5.2 million in emergency pharmaceuticals for FPBS after Cyclone Daphne in March 2012.
- Purchased FJ$25,000 in pharmaceuticals for Savusavu, Labasa and Nabouwalu hospitals, since those meds were not otherwise available.
- Distributed 5,000 toothbrushes and fluorided the teeth of 800 children.
- Held dermatology, orthopedic, women’s health, and pulmonary clinics.
- Built village kindergarten facilities and provided educational equipment.
- Sponsored youth sports leagues, including equipment, uniforms and fields.
- Donated to the building funds of several villages and schools.
- Donated 350 Christmas food hampers to needy villages of Cakaudrove province.
- Obtained FJ$2.0 million in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies for Savusavu, Labasa and Bua Hospitals, and remote nursing stations, plus shipping.
- Purchased FJ$30,000 in pharmaceuticals for local hospitals.
- Paid for transportation and medical costs for dozens of patients, including both local and international expenses.
- Made dozens of donations to local clubs, charities and patients in need.
- Sponsored youth/adult sports leagues, including equipment and uniforms.
- Donated to the building funds of several villages and schools.
- Donated over 300 Christmas food hampers to needy villages of Cakaudrove, including food supplies, garden tools and plants, and sporting equipment.
- Refurbished the men’s ward at Savusavu Hospital, including plumbing, tile and bathroom upgrades, windows, screens; repaired Savusavu Hospital’s Operating Theater and storage rooms; donated and installed air conditioning units
- Provided laptop computer for hospital doctor.
- Provided a container load of education books, e.g., encyclopedias, atlases, and art and school materials to half a dozen schools.
- Contributed to environmental and reef repair projects.
- Provided a complete village water purification system for Nanuca village (in partnership with Savusavu Rotary).
- Obtained donations of FJ$1.6 million in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies for Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, and remote nursing stations.
- Held dermatology, pulmonary, dental, and orthopedic and women’s health cancer screening and obstetrics/gynecology clinics. Contributed FJ$60,000 of surgical equipment, splints, braces, crutches, canes, walkers and wheelchairs.
- Hosted an eye clinic, with Beeve Foundation, performing 192 sight-saving surgeries (e.g., cataract removal) and providing 2000+patients with eye tests and appropriate glasses (over 2000 pairs distributed). Contributed FJ$200,000 in equipment and 4,000 pairs of prescription, reading and sun glasses.
- Provided repairs to Savusavu Hospital including rescreening and new windows for nurses quarters, several wards, and other areas of the hospital.
- Supported many community activities, including police and sports, and continued support of cultural preservation by hosting music and art events, paid funeral and patient medical expenses.
- Donated money, books and supplies to a dozen schools.
- Donated 300 Christmas food hampers to needy villages of Cakaudrove.
- Provided FJ$1.8 million in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and supplies to Savusavu and Labasa Hospitals, and remote nursing stations.
- Hosted dermatology, pediatric and cancer screening clinics.
- Provided equipment, supplies and labor for hospital repairs.
- Hosted an eye clinic, with Beeve Foundation, performing 150 sight-saving surgeries and providing 2000+patients with eye tests and appropriate glasses.
- Provided community support: sewer repair at Naidi Village, donation to North Division Tourism Police; repaired police vehicle, supported cultural preservation by hosting music and art events, paid many patients transport and medical expenses, supported various sports teams including Muslim Sports League, Nukubalavu Sports Association, rugby team; paid funeral expenses, home repairs, village crime prevention support
- Donated 300 Christmas food hampers to needy villages of Cakaudrove.
- Provided various schools with books, school supplies and repairs, including Buca, Khemedra, Nasavusavu Special Education School, Bhartiya School and Turaga Na Koro.
- Donated laptop computers to Savusavu Health Department and to doctor at Savusavu Hospital
- Provided FJ$2.9 million in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and supplies to Savusavu Hospital and remote nursing stations.
- Conducted dermatology, pediatric, pulmonary and dental clinics, including distribution of more than 5,000 toothbrushes and floss.
- Provided equipment, supplies and labor for hospital repairs and upgrades.
- Held annual eye clinics, with Beeve Foundation, performing hundreds of sight-saving surgeries and providing 2000+patients each year with eye tests and appropriate glasses.
- Provided community support: paid patient transport (domestic and international) and special medical expenses; fire brigade upgrade, youth Police transport; cyclone relief; uniforms, transport and general donations for sports activities – sailing, rugby, volleyball; teacher tuitions; village cleaning support; steps for Nakawaga village waterfall; donated to St. Andrews and Yaroi churches.
- Supported cultural preservation: Women’s Indigenous Crafts Workshop, Vivilli Stick Dancers, Savusavu Music Festival
- Donated 200-300 or more Christmas food hampers each year to needy villages of Cakaudrove.
- Provided various schools with thousands of books, school supplies and repairs, some uniforms and scholarships for schools including, but not limited to Buca, Khemedra, St. Bedes facilities upgrade, Khemendra Bahtiya Primary computers; Urata School, Nasavusavu Secondary, Shri Sanatan Daram, Labasa Muslim School, Melenesian Community Kindergarten
- Held veterinarian clinic for animal spaying program.
- Environmental: reef clean-up project.