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Environmental Protection
SCF understands that nature and especially the ocean are integral to the Fijian way of life. It would be impossible to be partnered with a resort bearing the Cousteau name and not focus efforts on preserving and protection the sea life of Fiji.
We have worked on a variety of environmental protection projects.
- Reef Protection and Buoy Projects
- Coral Rehabilitation Project
- Giant Clam Repopulation Project
- Mangrove Restoration Projects
- Trash Clean-up Programs
Coral Reef Rehabilitation
So SCF is funding Cousteau Resort’s Marine Biologist to develop a pilot coral garden plot, with a total of 90 fragments already in place. Storm generated, finger length coral fragments are placed on plugs made with non-toxic concrete and temporary plastic paper cups that will act as a mold. This is more sustainable method compared to breaking coral fragments from parent colony. Once firmly attached to the plugs, they will be deployed on a mesh grid at a depth of 5m and monitored over time for survival and growth rate. When the fragments reach an acceptable cubical growth the plugs can be placed in suitable parts of the reef.
Tridacna Clam Repopulation Project
To assist in repopulation, SCF funds the construction of Tridacna Clam cages to protect the young juveniles from their natural predators. We partner with Johnny Singh, JMC’s Marine Biologist, to do the general maintenance work like cleaning the cages and clams. Once they reach an acceptable and sustainable size they will be placed on dive or snorkel sites that have low population or depopulated clams.
One clam cage roughly costs FJD$300. Your cash donations go to the funding of this project and if you specifically would like to fund some cage construction with your donation, please specify in a note with your donation.
Trash Clean-up Programs
SCF has local volunteer groups who pick-up trash from roads, creeks and beaches every Saturday. We have also teamed with resorts, including Jean-Michel Cousteau for clean-up on additional days and locations. This helps not only have a pristine environment, but also prevents plastic throwaways from polluting the ocean and injuring sea life.