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Rebuilding Projects
SCF has rebuilt many of the buildings destroyed or damaged by the fierce Tropical Cyclones that hit Fiji . Focus has been on bridges to facilitate transportation capabilities of the villages and increase the ability to move relief and construction materials. In addition, we rebuild and upgrade community halls in various villages. These provide immediate shared space and future cyclone sheltering locations if necessary. In addition, SCF has repaired or replaced hundreds of destroyed and damaged homes. Here are just a few examples:
Nakoromaca and Nukubalavu Bridge Projects
Cyclone Winston wiped out bridges in Nakoromaca and Nukubalavu villages. SCF has provided materials for the rebuilding of these bridges.
Nacekoro Village Community Hall Rebuild
Tropical Cyclone Winston destroyed the community hall at Nacekoro village. SCF stepped in to provide much of the materials for the rebuild project.
A big thanks to Ocean Futures Society for partnering with SCF on this project and also to the carpenters who live at Nacekoro who helped with the heavy lifting. Great job guys!
Nabaka Village Community Hall Rebuild
SCF helped Nabaka Village rebuild their community hall, which was destroyed by Cyclone Winston. The village’s top builders, along with JMC carpenters provided the labor and SCF provided all the materials.
Nukabaluva Rebuild Project
Friends Helping Fiji graciously donated their time to rebuild the village of Nukabalavu. SCF funded the building materials, roofing iron, timber, and roofing screws for the rebuild.
- Repaired roofs of 24 homes
- Extensive rebuild of 4 homes
- Repair of the community hall
- Repair of the kindergarten